Take Your Web Designing to the Next Level with 1WD.tv

Take Your Web Designing to the Next Level with 1WD.tv

Does this sound like you?

You’ve been using WordPress for awhile now and you’ve come to find that you’re pretty good at wrangling it. Perhaps you’ve even picked up some skills in design and development along the way while tweaking and perfecting your  blogs or sites.

Then, an idea hits you.

What if you started doing this for a living? I mean, sure, you may not be the best designer in the world, but you know you’re good enough to create some pretty great looking sites, so why not do it for a living? How hard could it be?

With that idea in mind, you dive right into working for yourself (or even on the side) as a WordPress Web Designer.

Next thing you know, a few months trickle by and you’ve either landed a few low paying clients or you haven’t landed any at all…

If this sounds a little bit like your situation, you’re not alone. Many WP designers, though they have a great skill set, find difficult to translate that knowledge into cash.

So how do you go from a starving artist to one of those designers who seem to be raking in all that money?

There are a lot of options out there, but one of the best ways is to learn from those who are already doing it successfully.

1WD.TV: Expand Your Skills and Your Wallet

Unlike many online businesses out there looking to grab your money and run to the hills, the guys and gals behind 1WD.tv truly want to help you succeed as a freelance web designer.

The site is helmed by Spencer Forman, who is also a WordPress web designer who has found a great amount of success, both in designing and landing high-paying clients.

Through 1WD, Spencer and his team, have compiled a large series of lessons and products rolled into a single membership that is dedicated to one thing:

helping freelance WordPress web designers make more money.

This entails more than just knowing how to create a site. It also requires how to find clients, how to offer them the best solutions, how to handle clients that are difficult, and things like this.

These are all part of the bigger picture that many who jump into the world of web design don’t realize that that they need and these are the types of things that Spencer teaches through 1WD.

Not only can you learn the things mentioned above, but you also receive training on how to specialize in taking a single theme (the Responsive theme by CyberChimps) and turning it into just about any theme that your client may need.

Not Sure If 1WD Is Right For You?

You have every right to be skeptical, and Spencer seems to understand that many will feel the same way.

Thankfully, you can sign up for free on the 1WD site to gain access to some cool freebies and the webinars that Spencer holds every week that are very educational and helpful to those struggling.

Another great feature with the training on the site is that you don’t have to sign up for the membership to gain access to the training that you want.

In fact, the 3 Day Bootcamp that is offered on the site is priced at only $7 and it walks you through how to find 3 clients in 3 days to make yourself $300 right out of the gate as a WP Web Designer.

Not bad for an investment under $10 right?

If you’ve been struggling to get your web design business off the ground, then consider 1WD.tv your first stop for help in turning your knowledge into cash.


1 Comment on “Take Your Web Designing to the Next Level with 1WD.tv

  1. Ariel, You are right! Spence has had a great influence on my web design career over the past year and a half that I have been a member of 1wd.tv. I have learned so much! I have gotten many new ideas and have received guidance and help along the way to make my business a success. I highly recommend him and the crew at 1wd.tv.

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