Amazon Affiliate Plugin Review 2024 – Earn More Amazon Commission With AzonPress

Amazon Affiliate Plugin Review 2024 – Earn More Amazon Commission With AzonPress

Are you an affiliate marketer?

If you are an affiliate marketer, it’s always been a tough task to convince your visitors to purchase something that you are actively promoting.

It’s not only the matter of writing excellent contents that may engage your readers but also a decent catchy powerful presentation of those contents that will make your visitors click on the affiliated links. Like all other affiliate platforms, Amazon is the leading marketplace for affiliate marketers, and the same rules are applicable for this platform as well.

To make this happen practically, AzonPress comes in the ground with an elegant approach and provides tons of features to the Amazon affiliate marketers. Before going into a further discussion of the AzonPress plugin, we need to focus on some of the prior things that need to be cleared.


In this review article, I will go through the prime features of AzonPress plugin from a user’s point of view. What I am going to show is the outcome of my practical experiences using the plugin.

What is AzonPress?

AzonPress is a premium WordPress plugin that is used solely for Amazon affiliate marketing. Before using the plugin, I have experimented with other plugins as well but I got stuck using this awesome plugin. AzonPress literally can save your valuable time and make things easier while affiliating any kinds of products.

Now, using AzonPress you won’t have to manually link your Amazon affiliate IDs to products, rather you just need to log into your Amazon associates account and integrate your account with the plugin providing the credentials of your Amazon associates account.

Amazon Affiliate Plugin

After integrating the plugin with your Amazon associates account, you can generate shortcode of the respective products manually and promote on your site. Manually, it’s so tough and tedious to add affiliate links, CTA buttons, and images, but with AzonPress, you can do all these stuff within a short period of time in the best possible way.
In just less than one minute with no multiple tabs open on your browser, you can do all these things.


 [button type=”bd_button btn_small” url=”” target=”” button_color_fon=”#3fc2da” button_text_color=”#ffffff” ]Buy AzonPress[/button]

What Makes AzonPress Different

AzonPress is one of the fastest-growing WordPress Amazon affiliate plugins in the WordPress plugin’s market. The most important part of the plugin is its user-friendly interface while creating product tables in several different ways.

Moreover, the plugin, not only saves your time but also exhilarate your performance reducing the burden in table creation. This also allows you to promote your website, link building, and an opportunity to create quality contents.

Now I am going into the review section of the plugin where I will emphasize the reasons that make the plugin different from the others. In this section, I will cover the main features of the plugin that will be helpful to accelerate your Amazon affiliate earnings. Here, let’s have a look at the special features  of the plugin:

Easy integration

To promote products using a plugin through affiliate marketing in Amazon, it’s obvious that you’d have to integrate the plugin with your Amazon Associates account. AzonPress comes with an easy approach so that you can integrate the plugin with your Amazon affiliate program in less than 2 minutes.

To integrate you just need to put the credentials of your Amazon affiliate account into AzonPress’s Amazon API Settings page. All the pages of the plugin interface are user-friendly that a novice user can easily operate the plugin.

A handy way to link insertion

Using AzonPress, you can have complete control over affiliate links. That means each link you create and add will have the default configuration system with a customizing facility. In this configuration process, AzonPress will allow you to present your affiliated products in the following formats:

  • Grid
  • Box
  • List
  • Table
  • Widget
  • Small Widget

As you can see, there are 5 types of layouts you can use while creating any link from the post pages. This is a versatile approach to insert codes in your posts or pages. Moreover, you can also insert shortcodes of the respective product tables or comparison tables.

Versatile linking

In AzonPress, you can generate links in several formats. That means the plugin will provide you with multiple linking options in general.

Text Links

Text links are the links that are generated in a text format. In AzonPress, you will get those opportunities to have on your site. Here is the example of a text link created by AzonPress.

Call to Action Buttons

AzonPress have 6 pre-built CTA buttons that you can use with your AzonPress Amazon links. These are the basic CTA button styles approved by Amazon. You can have 8 different Buy Now and Add To Cart button style with a customization option. Here go all the examples.

Info Blocks

Info blocks are static blocks of information with a CTA button, image, and prices. You can use a custom button as Info Blocks using AzonPress.

Comparison tables

One of the prime reasons to choose AzonPress is its way to create comparison tables on your site. If you want to have a good looking comparison table, AzonPress would be the best choice for you. It has feature-rich options for configuring a comparison table on your site. Here is a comparison table created by AzonPress WordPress plugin.

The best part of this comparison table is its customization facility. Help your audience make informed decisions and subconsciously make them click on the Buy button with well-arranged responsive comparison tables.

These tables are fully customizable in type. You can change up the settings in the plugin option and you can also define custom CSS elements.

You can add as many product rows and details as you like. So for example, you can add price, prime status etc, which will be automatically fetched from Amazon. Even you can also add a custom review of your own using this plugin.

To use this comparison table feature, you need to embed a shortcode on the respective page or post which is pretty simple and fast.

[[azonpress_comparison id=”10″]]

Product boxes table

Another important feature of AzonPress is creating Product Box tables on your site. If you ever used the Amazon Card Type native shopping, you would find that their system doesn’ look good at all.

But using AzonPress plugin’s product box tables on your site you can display your desired products in the best possible way. They look entirely professional so that your expected visitors will compulsively click on your affiliate links.

While creating Product box tables, you will get different configuration options in the plugin interface. There are 2 Modes named Edit Modes and Design Mode to customize your box tables on your site. Let’s have a look at the Edit Mode of the plugin.

In the Design Mode, you will get the following interface.

This is how you can configure and optimize your product table boxes using Product Tables option of this plugin.

Sidebar widgets

Widgets are a simple way to demonstrate your products on the sidebar of your website. AzonPress allows you to have simple but good looking widgets that you can add easily to the sidebar of your WordPress website. You can display widgets in several ways in AzonPress. Here are a few examples of widgets created with AzonPress.

You can also display Widgets and Small Widgets using AzonPress while posting any product image on your site.

In the widget section, you can define how many products you want to include in whether small or larger format.

Link defaults

In any kind of affiliate program, the main deal happens with the link. In AzonPress, you will find two default settings of links and you will get them enabled. One is New Window and another is No Follow.

By default, both of the options are enabled, New Window option will take users to a new window when they click on an affiliate link and No Follow option controls the link juice of a particular link.

Proper documentation with dedicated support

AzonPress is developed by WPManagenNInja and one of the key aspects of the company is the prompt support they offer to their clients. WPManageNinja provides instant support to their users whenever they face a particular need. Moreover, they also provide solid documentation for each product they launch.

Likewise, AzonPress plugin has well-organized documentation on their official page. You just need to go over their rich documentation and everything will be crystal clear for you.

In addition to this, to observe the product demos created by AzonPress you can visit the official website of the plugin.

Pricing Plans of AzonPress

AzonPress offers three different decent pricing plans for its users. They are as followed:

  • Single Site License – $39.00
  • Business License – $79.00
  • Unlimited Site License – $299.00

pricing plans

The pricing plans that the plugin offers is pretty much cost effective in type. You can choose any one of them for your usage.

What’s the Catch?

It’s pretty simple to understand that if you want to have a decent amount of output using a plugin in Amazon affiliate marketing arena, you need to choose a quality plugin from the mess.
AzonPress plugin can do a lot in this respect as a whole. As the AzonPress plugin offers numerous great features, it could be your best choice as an Amazon Affiliate Marketer. But most importantly, it’s super customizable; which allows you to make the elements look as professional as they should be.

Still Confused?

If you are still confused and aren’t sure enough about how AzonPress can help you with Amazon sites, then head over to the video from the creator of AzonPress.

This video will give you an overview of the plugin’s features and show you the exact way to work with the plugin and earn more Affiliate income through increasing CTR from your Amazon affiliation sites without facing any kind of hassles.

I hope, this review post helped you much in making the right decision to whether AzonPress can help you with Amazon associate websites. If you want to share anything or have any query regarding the topic, just let me know your concern by commenting below.

Sazzadul Bari is a digital marketing strategist at WPManageNinja and also the man behind BlogCD, specializing in content writing and lead gen. He loves to play with words and has a flair for writing on a variety of topics.

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