Upgrade to the WordPress Latest Version in 5 Simple Steps

Upgrade to the WordPress Latest Version in 5 Simple Steps

WordPress recommends its users to use the WordPress Latest version. Right from the installation to the upgrading process – WordPress has kept everything really simple for its end users.

It is recommended that you perform the upgrade locally first. This is a convenient way of ensuring that the site is intact and has received the upgrade well before showing it to the rest of the world.

Here is a list of 5 steps that you can follow to safely upgrade to the WordPress Latest version –

1. Checking in with the hosting service –

Before upgrading, you must carefully go through the minimum requirements page on wordpress.org. You must look for the minimum PHP and MySQL versions that will be able to handle the concerned version.

Simply pick the requirements from the minimum requirements page and write to your web host to inquire if they support –

  • PHP version that is compatible with the WordPress Latest Version ( In your case – mention the version that you wish to upgrade to)
  • MySQL version that is compatible with the WordPress Latest Version ( Again this is the version that you wish to upgrade to)
  • The mod_rewrite Apache module

Once you have confirmed the above specifications with your web host, you can proceed to the second step.

2. Update themes and plugins –

You do not have to worry about updating the theme if you are using the default WordPress theme at your site. WordPress upgrade will upgrade the theme too. In case you have made any customization to the theme, you will be required to take a backup.

You must write to the theme developer inquiring if their theme is compatible with the version that you are wanting to upgrade to. This is very important as your entire site will break if the theme does not work with the new version.

If the theme is not ready for the new version, you may want to postpone your WordPress update till the time that a compatible theme version is released.

If a compatible theme version is available, update your theme first.

Plugins too will need to be updated before updating the WordPress version. Plugin developers release new versions whenever a need is felt. You can inquire with the plugin developers if their plugins are compatible with the version that you are wanting to upgrade to.

Plugin authors often mention their compatibility with the latest WordPress version. This can help you decide if you want to go ahead with the upgrade.

3. Take a Backup –

This step is very critical. You might want to revert your site back to its old status if something goes wrong with the upgrade. Remember to backup your database too.

4. Update –

Simply click on the update now button from your admin dashboard.

5. Test –

  • View a couple of pages and posts.
  • Try to view your site in different browsers.
  • Try a couple functions that you have made available at your site.

Use your own test set to determine if everything is working well with the update.

There are a couple of ways in which one can go about upgrading a site. Some people follow the following protocol while upgrading their WordPress version –

  1. Backing up
  2. Deactivating all the plugins
  3. Upgrading WordPress
  4. Upgrading Plugins if the need is felt
  5. Reactivating all the plugins

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