A New Responsive WordPress Theme – Ventura

Ventura a stunning WordPress blog theme for news and content-heavy websites is the latest addition to the WPEka Club. It’s a classic responsive new theme. With a sleek design and flat layout, it’s meant to impress. If you have a lot of content to offer, Ventura is a great theme for your blog or site.

Key Features –
News Ticker – This allows you to showcase the most recent and the top trending topics at your site.
You can completely customize the theme to suit your site-
Ventura offers 3 different styles of navigation menus. You can take your pick –
You can decide if you want to display your recent posts or if you simply need a static page as your front page –
You can make this theme look radically different at your site by choosing your own color scheme for the theme –
Ventura is integrated with Disqus. You can engage in a conversation after every post –
Its social media integration allows your readers to share your content across all their social connections.
Ventura is a part of the WPEka Club. WPEka Club has brought together 13 Premium WordPress Plugins and 21 Premium WordPress Themes.
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