How to Migrate Your site from Joomla to WordPress?

How to Migrate Your site from Joomla to WordPress?

This article provides an introduction and the procedure of migrate your website from Joomla to WordPress, this tutorial would help you to move your website easily from Joomla to WordPress.

Joomla has been a powerful platform used by lots of webmasters. Although it is not very suitable for all kinds of customers because of certain features and configurations. There may be several users who are looking to transfer their sites from Joomla to WordPress after having an experience with Joomla for sometime. It does help to avoid complex management as WordPress is an easy to use tool.

This article talks about, the step by step migration process so that you can easily as well as quickly move your site to WordPress.

Step #1 Buy WordPress Hosting and Setup WordPress

Before you begin you migration you need to have a Joomla website. There are several good web hosting services that you can opt for for more details you can visit this blog “Best WordPress Hosting Specialists – A RoundUp”

The above blog will make Installing WordPress quite simple with the 1-click WordPress installation, after that you can easily setup the website within several minutes by few clicks.

Step #2 Install and Activate FG Joomla to WordPress Plugin

After your WordPress site is up and running, it is time to install FG Joomla to WordPress plugin. Just by going to Plugins tab and clicking Add New, you can search the FG Joomla to WordPress plugin. Simply install and activate it.

Step #3 Import Joomla Website into WordPress

THe next step is to, go to Tools -> Import, where you can see all kinds of different import plugins available in your site, Just click on the Joomla (FG) which will import sections, categories, posts and medias (images as well as attachments) from your Joomla database into new WordPress site.

Once you have reached the Joomla importer for WordPress you need to offer the Joomla site and database information such as URL, Joomla version, hostname, port, database, username, password, Joomla table prefix, etc.

In case you forget your database information, you can simply get it from your Joomla website’s admin area, in Global Configuration-server tab. Besides that, it can also be accessed from configuration.php which is present in the root folder of Joomla website. Just open and check the information in a text editor like notepad++.

Once you have filled the database information, scroll to Behavior. You will find 4 options as Posts with a “read more” split, Medias, Meta Keywords, and Create pages. Decide if you want to import these options just mark the corresponding checkboxes. You can click the button and import the content easily from Joomla to WordPress.

The process of importing will take some time to complete, depending on how much content one has. Once finished, you will get to see the page as shown below.

At the time of migration, prefixes have been added to avoid category duplicates. You can click the following button if you want to remove these prefixes.

If you have placed links between your articles, you are required to modify the internal links by clicking on the Modify internal links button.

Some of the Main Problems & Solutions

In most of the cases, you can finish the migration process smoothly. But may be some users who may encounter the below mentioned difficulties:

  • One of the common difficulty is Fatal error: message says – Allowed memory size of ****** bytes exhausted, all you need to do is to simply open the wp-config.php which is located in the root WordPress directory, and add “define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’); “inside the main php tag.
  • In case you come across database connection errors, you may need to recheck your database settings.
  • If the media you are importing does not work, please check if your web host is disabled allow-url-fopen directive in php.ini.

Please let us know if you have faced any issues while migrating your site. We would be glad to know your experiences.

If you want to know how to migrate from Tumblr to WordPress, here’s a step-by-step guide.

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