How to Fix WordPress Keeps Logging Out Problem

How to Fix WordPress Keeps Logging Out Problem

Sometimes when you’re using WordPress, it keeps logging you out. This mostly happens when you’re making/saving changes. It can be very frustrating. This issue is also called as WordPress session timeout issue.

There can be many reasons so as to why you’re being logged out of WordPress. Today you’ll learn how to fix WordPress keeps logging out problem.

We’ll tell you how to fix this issue via common troubleshooting tips as well as what to do if those don’t work.

Normal troubleshooting tips to fix WordPress keeps logging out problem

These tips are common and can be used to fix various types of problems in WordPress. Here are some of the normal troubleshooting tips:

Deactivating plugins

In this troubleshooting method, you’ll have to manually deactivate all your plugins using an FTP client such as Filezilla. After deactivating the plugins you’ll have to activate them one at a time to identify the culprit plugin. Read our guide on how to deactivate plugins.

Clear cache and browser cookies

Try clearing cache and browser cookies. Cache and browser cookies often affect the performance of your WordPress website. Sometimes an old or expired cookie could override your recent login.

Try restoring websites from previous backups

If you have been creating regular backups of your website then restoring your website from previous backups might be a necessary solution. Use this method if the above two methods don’t work.

It is possible that a plugin made a code change within the WordPress architecture which is now causing a problem. Use this method specifically if you’re facing problem after a recent backup. Check all the recent changes that you’ve made to see which change is causing a problem.

If you’re still facing this issue, read further.

Site Address and WordPress Address Issue

If none of the above troubleshooting methods work for you, then the problem lies in your WordPress address and site address URL.

To authenticate your login session, WordPress sets a cookie in your browser. The cookie is set for the WordPress URL stored in your settings section. If while logging you’re accessing an URL that does not match the one in your WordPress settings, then WordPress is unable to authenticate your session.

An example of address mismatch,

incorrect urls

You can see that the WordPress Address and Site Address are not the same in above example, this will cause an error.

You’ll have to enter the same URL in both the addresses,

correct urls

This is how by changing and updating the URL’s, you can fix the WordPress keeps logging out problem.

We hope that either one of the above fixes has helped you solve this issue. If you know any other method, please share with us in the comment section.

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