4 Easy Ways to Use Social Graphs for your Business

Does the term ‘Social Graph’ strike a note?
The Social Graph is the digital map of your identity, your immediate Facebook friends and all that’s shared with these people.
Do you know how to use facebook social graph to improve your marketing?
It’s observed that having the capability to understand the benefits of social graphs not just improves your flair with social media marketing in today’s time but it also prepares you to predict future trends of social networking and the internet.
Now, in 2016, this term – Social Graph has been integrated into every aspect of the web along with Facebook like Twitter, Flickr and Google+ too. Just to elaborate what I mentioned earlier, you have many social graphs that overlap.
This data is critical for companies which are trying to contact you and this should interest you too so that you easily connect with your prospective clients.
How to use Facebook Social Graph to improve your Marketing?
Start Creating Social Objects – Develop relationships, not just with humans but also with objects. Objects like images, video and music clips will help you in defining your social graph. Anything that a user can search on the web is an object. These objects can drive your storytelling.
Connect the Dots – When a social graph is completed, it develops into being more detailed and exhaustive. But it is safe to say that most of our social graphs are mostly empty. This is the reason why everyone needs to engage more on social media platforms for both personal and professional purposes. With your involvement, you will be building a stronger social graph which is made strong only due to your presence.
Location and Time are Integral – Social graphs are digital maps of sorts which lead us to multiple places. Because social graphs can be achieved more frequently in real location and time, precise decisions can be made. There can be a lot of businesses like yours that can match someone’s search, it is highly likely that the person will choose yours if you’ve engaged in conversations. This is because your social graph will be more relevant and fresh than your competitors’.
Keep yourself updated with Market Research – The most useful takeaway from the social graph for digital marketers is that they can keep a close eye on the likes and dislikes of their visitors. That means you can look for common interests with your followers and target them accordingly. Using information like this, you can target your audiences better and expect better results too. Social graphs can also be used to used to track your competitors so that you can improve your marketing strategies to have an upper hand.
Every industry in the world has designed itself around social media now. This social media inclination will only grow in the coming years. It’s the go-to mantra for the success of most of the businesses.
3 Reasons why:
- The web is getting more and more personal: If I as a digital marketer wants to know what my visitors thinks about my latest blog, it’s damn easy. Not only has semantic social search become an integral part of what we do as professionals but it also impacts our personal lives.
- The web is getting open: The web is turning out be the reflection of our physical world. But 10 years ago, no one would have thought that a handheld device would allow you to operate your business, navigate your travel destinations from anywhere in the world. That’s the power of the web now.
- The web has become a smart medium: Every aspect that’s added into the social graph makes the internet smarter. It has become a quicker decision maker.
Why should you use Social Graphs for marketing?
Bill Gates once said that “Content is King” and it’s right but in today’s world of Social Media, along with Content, even Context has become the king. As you post a story on social media, it gets shared, liked and promoted. This way you build a nodal relationship around your content. Understanding this aspect, you need to improve your social graph and develop useful content that represents you and your proficiency.
Click here to know about Social Media Marketing!
It’s all about Context:
All that goes on in Social networks is about context. Your contacts and associates paint a beautiful picture of your image. Context tends to tell everyone who you are and who you are not with the help of connections and comparisons.
You and your friends can have a hundred similarities, but there’ll be at least a couple of points where you’ll be poles apart. That’s the difference which will get you famous!
What are nodes?
If you map your social connections, you’ll find a connection of dots. Consider these dots as nodes in a very complex matrix. More the nodes, better it is for anyone to locate you on the web. Nodes are very integral aspects which help users in finding exactly what they’re looking for.
What is Sharing?
Sharing is an activity that leads to creating of nodes. If the content you’ve shared fascinates people read it on the web, it is highly likely that your content will be shared further with their contact list, and this is what leads to the creation of nodes.
This was my take on why and how to use facebook social graph to improve your marketing. Comment to share your views on the importance of social graphs.
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Thank you so much.