Why Making Your Own WordPress Website Is A Huge Time Suck

“Sucks.” “It sucks.” “WTF (What the fudge?) just happened?” “I messed up.” “Gosh.” “OMG.”
These are just some of the expressions you can say after creating your own WordPress website. Add to that the facial expressions you will do after seeing what you did. Just look in front of the mirror.
This is where WordPress white label designers can help you. They can help you lessen the agony of wasting too much of your precious time creating your own WordPress website. Why spend so much time creating your own WordPress website when someone can help you? There are things you might consider before you explode your developer instinct in you.
12 Reasons Making Your Own WordPress Website Wastes Time
Finding the Right WordPress Theme is Tricky
You already visualized what your blog would look like. Unfortunately, not all themes that you want are available for you. Back to start again, the clock is ticking, you have not been able to decide what WordPress theme you will be using.
Plugins and Widgets aren’t Compatible with All Themes
You found a cool widget, counter, and an application that you want to put in your WordPress. You tried your best and you tried in vain. Another wasted time because you did not realize that free WordPress layouts cannot be changed easily hence you cannot use some JavaScript counters or widgets on your blog.
What is a Domain Anyways?
You want your own space on the web. You want your own name searchable, but you do not know how. You spent another day figuring out what a domain is and trying to avail one. Precious time is wasted again.
Small Issues Become Major Headaches
Yes, you finally know what a domain is, and you already have a domain. Yet, after creating a website, you finally figured that you have two websites. One with the complete www prefix and the other without the www prefix. Let’s say you have www.yourdomain.com and yourdomain.com and you do not know how to redirect the one without the www prefix when a visitor typed it and it should redirect to your main and preferred website which is the one with the www prefix. This is bad because search engines such as Google can see these as two different websites which can then lead to a plagiarism issue that you do not want to happen intentionally.
You Need an SSL Certificate for WordPress
So, you know now how to redirect the one without the www prefix to be redirected to the one with the www prefix website of yours. Still, you need to figure out how to redirect an HTTP version of your website to a more secure version which is the HTTPS version. You need to know that these HTTPS version does have a valid SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate since data is secured especially when there is a form that needs to be filled up in your website and Google also are giving more high-ranking preference to HTTPS websites over non-HTTPS or those without HTTPS versions. Time will be consumed again in figuring out how to do this.
Making Small Mistakes When Creating a WordPress Website Is a Common Problem
You created your website, finally, using WordPress. You forgot to do an important thing due to your excitement in letting the world know that you have your own WordPress website. It does not work. Everything on your website does not work, social media links, images not loading, contact forms not sending to your preferred email address, and other important information are unclear. You forgot to test your website before making it live. You wasted time again letting your frustrations work instead of thinking and testing prior to broadcasting your live website.
WordPress Loads Slow Without Proper Optimization
You have tested, and your website is finally live on the internet. But, you noticed one thing. You spend so much time figuring how to make it live yet you noticed that your website loads very slow. Since you are not really a web developer, you do now know how to make your website load fast enough to be appreciated by several visitors. You really need a developer to create a WordPress website for you since they can minify JavaScript codes and edit CSS codes for your website to load faster. Plus, you also need to consider your web hosting, so you need to spend some time in researching this aspect. Web developers can help you regarding web hosting since they are in the business of web development. It’s already part of the contract when you hire one.
WordPress Isn’t as Simple as It Seems
You created a successfully running website that loads fast. Yet, there are still missing points. Something missing is that you have used outdated plugins and theme and your WordPress version is old. Since you are not a web developer, you barely noticed these issues unless you have already set your website live on the internet. Another precious time wasted since along the way, you have been using outdated systems instead of current versions of WordPress, plugins, and themes.
SEO for WordPress is Tough
You encountered the worst scenario when people cannot find your website in search engines. You spent so much time developing yet you forgot to optimize your website. You forgot to optimize the information which is very important so that people can find your website on search engines such as Google.
You Need to Run Backups of You WordPress Site
Another thing that sucks is that you need to set a time in creating a backup for your website. Backup is very important and if you forgot to do one, and something happens, you will be back to zero. You will be forced to create a new one instead of using a backup version and just updating it. Think of the time that you have wasted in creating your own WordPress website and with a blink of an eye, an incident happen such as your site getting hacked. You do not know what to do. Backup, backup, and backup.
WordPress Maintenance Requires Constant Attention
You went on vacation because you are contented already that you have a running WordPress website that you created on your own. You never notice that when you access your website again, it was having a downtime since the day you had your vacation. Too much time was wasted again since you do not know how to monitor your website which is another time-consuming aspect of maintaining and creating a WordPress website.
Figuring Out How to Convert Visitors is Hard Work
Finally, why it sucks your huge time in creating your own WordPress website? It’s because you need to know how to create a successful “calls to action” or CTAs so that every time someone visits your website, this somebody will do something. They will either call you, send an email, post comment, purchase merchandise or anything that will make your visitor do an action. Any action called on your website is important since it can lead to a potential increase in your sales, in your positive feedback, or even adds to the list of your regular customers.
Let the Experts Handle Your WordPress Development Needs
Let the experts do the WordPress website for you. They will help you and your time will not be wasted. Do not make it hard on yourself and put too much stress creating your own WordPress website.
You are absolutely right! But you miss the satisfaction of making it with your own hands! How proud you fell at the end! And the little imperfections you find every time you look at your work.
Yes, WordPress takes too much time but the most positive aspects of using WordPress is that it is user- friendly. Yes finding a right theme is really tricky because many themes are very attractive and the free version doesn’t comprise all the features of pro versions. But for my case when I made my site I did many mistakes but rectification of error is the best techniques to develop your skill.