Directory Listing – WP Event Manager

Directory Listing – WP Event Manager

WP Event Manager is a lightweight, open source, scalable and full featured event management plugin for adding event listing functionality to your WordPress site.

Free Plugin Features

  1. Fully Responsive
  2. Cross Browsers support ( Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera )
  3. SEO Friendly & Compatible with SEO plugins.
  4. Multilingual Translation – Internationalized Supported
  5. Completely ajaxified for super smooth browsing
  6. Add, manage, and categorise event listings using the familiar WordPress UI.
  7. Searchable & filterable ajax powered event listings added to your pages via shortcodes.
  8. Frontend forms for guests and registered users to submit & manage event listings.
  9. Allow event listers to preview their listing before it goes live. The preview matches the appearance of a live event listing.
  10. Each listing can be tied to an email or website address so that attendees can register to the events.
  11. Searches also display RSS links to allow attendees to be alerted to new events matching their search.
  12. Allow logged in organizers to view, edit, mark cancelled, or delete their active event listings.
  13. RSS Feeds
  14. Event categories
  15. Easily create custom event field (e.g. dress code)
  16. Assign event locations and view events by location
  17. Widgets for Recents, Upcoming, Featured Events
  18. Plenty of template tags and shortcodes for use in your posts and pages
  19. Caching Support
  20. Developer friendly code, Custom Post Types, endpoints & template files.
  21. Singleton Javascript, Ajax & Save memory at client side.
  22. Debug Mode for Developers
  23. Actively maintained and supported
  24. Lots of documentation and tutorials

The Core Plugin is free.

If you want to sell tickets through your website and market events more effectively, you will need to purchase one of the 22 premium plugin extensions.

Most add-ons are sold at either $19 or $39 for a single website license.

The add-ons available for $19 are Bookmarks, Embeddable Event Widget, Colors, Sliders, Event Tags, Eventbrite Integration, Organizers, Contact Organizer, Export Events, iCal, Google Recaptcha, Google Analytics, Emails, and Event Logs.

The add-ons available for $39 are Calendar, Google Maps, Registrations, Sell Tickets, Attendee Information, WooCommerce Paid Listings, Recurring Events, and Event Alerts.

WP Event Manager also has a personal and developer bundle package.

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