Create responsive & advanced data tables & charts with wpDataTables

Create responsive & advanced data tables & charts with wpDataTables

Creating & managing tables in WordPress is not relatively easy. You have to fiddle with a lot of code to get a stunning HTML table within your posts / pages. Making it responsive is a tricky thing all together. You have to use a plugin if you want to save yourself from the trouble of writing lines of codes to get a HTML table which not only incorporates all your data needs but also looks pretty (read coding with CSS).

To make your life easier & save you from going through all the trouble of coding HTML tables; the perfect solution would be – wpDataTables – the #1 Tables and Charts Creator WordPress Plugin.

wpDataTables – A powerful data manager plugin for your WordPress site

wpDataTables is a powerful data manager plugin for your WordPress site that allows you to create & manage interactive responsive tables, charts, filtering & editing forms without having you to write a single line of code. All it takes are three basic steps : 1. Upload a table or create it in WP-Admin, 2. Optionally configure the table & 3. Publish it in your post or page or widget. Then you can use the same table to generate a chart in just a few clicks.

Configuring wpDataTables

wpDataTables - Settings

Configuring wpDataTables is absolutely hassle-free. You can leave the settings as they are if you wish or fine-tune the plugin as per your preferences by heading over to WP Dashboard -> wpDataTables -> Settings section. The settings contain three main aspects – Main Settings (Configure the global table settings), Color and font settings (Configure the look & feel of the tables) & Custom JS and CSS (Define any custom javascript & CSS rules).

Some commendable features of wpDataTables

    • Choose to connect to a DB or host which is different from your current WordPress installation : wpDataTables allows you to build tables by connecting to a DB or Host which is different from your current WordPress installation DB.
    • Multiple data sources to choose from to create tables : Choose from the options of multiple data sources like Google Spreadsheets, Excel files, CSV files, MySQL queries, JSON, XML and serialized PHP arrays for creating tables.
    • Create editable & responsive tables : wpDataTables allows you to create editable (on back-end as well as front-end) & responsive tables. So it’s possible to use the plugin as a ‘form generator’, to fill in some catalogs, displaying and managing orders, or managing issues in a bugtracker, etc.
    • Create as many charts per page as you want from over 24 chart types : Use the wpDataTables Chart Creation Wizard to create as many charts per page as users need, there are 2 rendering engines (Highcharts and Google Charts) which together produce 25 chart types. Just a matter of few clicks & your charts are ready.
    • wpDataTable constructor to create tables : wpDataTable constructor wizard allows to create tables completely from back-end, or to import CSV/XLS files to editable tables. Choose to create tables by preparing structure and input all the data manually, or by reading the initial table data from an input file, or by creating a table based on your WordPress data (posts or pages, and post meta or taxonomy values) or by constructing a table based on data from existing MySQL DB tables using the Table Creation Wizard.
    • Restrict users to edit only their own data / rows on the front-end : One of the popular features of the plugin where the admin can restrict users to edit only their own data / rows on the front-end like their own orders or inquiries, own elements added to stock, etc.
    • Compatible with WordPress Visual Composer : Add a data table or chart directly from the visual composer using the wpDataTable & wpDataChart buttons from existing wpDataTables. wpDataTables is listed as an official ‘VC add-on’.
    • A demo website armed with detailed & structured documentation : wpDataTables provides a demo website which is armed with a detailed & structured documentation for each and every little feature of the plugin. Be it creating a simple data table or chart or a complete walkthrough to create editable tables for the front-end; you’ll find a step-by-step guide for everything along with video courses for the same.
    • Over 40 built-in filters (hooks) : wpDataTables is very extensible due to a large amount of built-in filters (hooks).
    • Quick support response time : The average support response time (for the paid plugin) is 1 working day (Except for weekends and official holidays). If you are stuck with something and cannot find a solution within the documentation just holler at the support team.

…and many more…

Final Thoughts

The best way to describe wpDataTables would be “simply awesome“. With remarkable features, flexible functionality & being fully documented the plugin is worth every penny & a must if you manage loads of tables, charts, filtering & editing forms on your WordPress site. wpDataTables has made 5,299 Sales (and counting) so far on CodeCanyon.


Hurry & get your hands on it today!

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