How to Add Trust and Credibility to a WordPress Website

Probably the most often asked question in business: ‘how do I get more clients?’
You can have the best looking website in the world, but that’s all for nothing if your website doesn’t convey the right message.
Prospective clients need to be able to trust you — without trust, they’ll take their business elsewhere.
Today I want to show you three simple ways to build trust and credibility on your WordPress website.
Client Testimonials
‘Your website looks good and you’re saying all the right things, but how do I know you’ll actually deliver?’
That’s a common fear for many prospective clients, and it’s up to you to convince them you’re the right person for the job. They won’t take your word for it — you’re slightly biased, after all.
So who can they trust?
What about your other clients? People trust other peoples’ opinions as long as they’re impartial, so this seems like a great place to start. If your existing clients are happy to vouch for you, that will go a long way towards securing new custom.
I strongly recommend displaying client testimonials on your website — add testimonials to a sidebar widget, or even create a dedicated testimonial page.
How do you get your testimonials?
Easy, just ask!
If you’ve done a great job, most clients will be more than happy to give you some positive words to help you build your business.
A quick tip: prospective clients are more likely to trust a testimonial if it includes the testimonial-giver’s name and image.
Plugins for testimonials: WP Testimonial Plus WordPress Plugin, Easy Testimonials, and Testimonials Showcase.
Team Bios
I’m assuming you’re not going to be working solo on your client’s big project? Well, wouldn’t it be helpful to tell them who else is going to be working with you?
The more people know about you and your team, the more likely they are to hand over their credit card.
This is why it’s so important to display small team member profiles on your site. In business, putting a face to a name is proven to build trust and credibility. More than this, though; displaying a team profile gives you another opportunity to wow a prospective client, by listing your team members’ strongest attributes.
Do you want people to see you as a nameless, faceless business? Wouldn’t you prefer it if your potential clients see you as a group of hard-working team players, committed to your clients’ success?
Plugins for team bios: WP Team Showcase WordPress Slider Plugin, Our Team by WooThemes, and Team Showcase.
Client Logos
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know, right? Well, the business equivalent to ‘who you know’ is who you’ve worked with.
Visit the website of any successful business, and you’re likely to see a carousel of all the brands they’ve worked with.
It adds credibility — perhaps more than anything else.
Let’s say you’ve previously done client work for, say, Microsoft. That says a lot about your business, doesn’t it? For starters:
- You’ve worked on big projects before, so you must be industry leaders.
- You can handle high profile projects.
- If big brands trust you, you must be good.
I’m instantly giving you a lot of credibility, and all because I know you worked with Microsoft! So display your client history loud and proud, using a client logo showcase on your homepage.
Plugins for client logos: WP Logo Showcase WordPress Slider Plugin, Logo Slider, and Logos Showcase Plugin.
Final Thoughts
A flashy website, catchy slogan, and refined sales pitch won’t get you anywhere without trust and credibility to back you up. The three strategies in today’s article are a great starting point when convincing potential clients you’re the right person for the job.
Any tips for building trust and credibility? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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