Five WordPress Popup Plugins for Lead Generation

An email list is important for a blog. Popup Plugins are great for encouraging people to subscribe to your lists. Once you get their contact information, you can provide them with extra offers, benefits, ads, updates and keep them coming back to your blog. Many plugins provide you with full control over the Popups you create. You can customize its settings according to your requirement.

Now you may think, it is such an effortful task to create these popups, but let me tell you it is not. It is as easy as creating any other post on your blog, only if you ally with the right ones. Among the many Popup plugins available, you might find it quite difficult to choose. Here are the top five WordPress Popup plugins which will effortlessly assist you generate leads for your blog.
1) WordPress Popup

It is one of the best Popup plugins to advertise your mailing lists, any offer, or any ad on your blog or site. It provides a hassle free interface making it simpler than ever to create a popup. You can completely customize your popups. You can show your popups to all, some, few, only those who have commented, or hide it forever, the choice is all yours.

2) Arty Popup

If you have the knack for creativity, then this one is best suited for you. Arty Popup, like its name suggests, creates a fashionable popup for your blog. You can upload a background image for your popup and give it your own designing spin. For designers this is like a boon, you can skip using CSS to make text-based popup. Arty Popup is compatible with all major browsers. Use it and make your popup colorful, creative, and artistic.

3) Optin Revolution

The problem with popups is that they can be blocked, but not anymore! Use Optin Revolution to create unblockable WordPress popups and welcome countless subscribers. You get unlimited options to customize your popups. You can change its text size, text color, font size, font color, background color, background image, so on and so forth without any considerable effort. You are allowed to be as creative as you like with your popup plugins without having to worry about coding.

4) ITRO Popup Plugin

ITRO Popup is a very flexible plugin. You can customize your popup with a wide range of options available. You can create a fully centered popup. Select the pages you want to display this popup on and it won’t appear on any other page or post except that one, ins’t it brilliant? The popup can be closed either by esc button or you can customize it with a countdown, after which the popup will disappear.

5) Indeed Smart Popup


What makes this plugin smart? It is a very user friendly plugin providing great user interface with unlimited options for creating popups. Here you will have to use short codes or PHP codes for any modification in your templates. You can set each element of your popup in absolute or relative values depending on the kind of popup that you require. If you do not wish to show your popup to every other visitor then you can choose your target audience, for example, show your popup only to first time visitors, this way it won’t interrupt the users who have already subscribed.

All the five plugins above help you achieve leads in their own unique manners. Go ahead! Now you are all set to create your own popups.

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