How to Use The E-Commerce Affiliate Plugin

How to Use The E-Commerce Affiliate Plugin

E-Commerce Affiliate WordPress Plugin allows you to create referrals, tracking visits and sales via affiliate links and handle commission payouts as well. The plugin is very useful for e-commerce websites. Here’s a step-by-step guide for setting up & using E-Commerce Affiliate.

Installing E-Commerce Affiliate plugin

1. Download the file & unzip to plugins folder located at
2. Go to WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Installed Plugins

Activate E-Commerce Affiliate

3. Activate E-Affiliate
4. Go to WordPress Dashboard -> E-Affiliates

Managing E-Commerce Affiliate

After activating the plugin, you need to generate a Affiliate area, specify the default commission percentage & enable Affiliate registrations.

1. Go to WordPress Dashboard -> E-Affiliates -> Options.

2. Click the Generate button to create a affiliate area page. Set Referral timeout duration. Set Currency Symbol & Currency Code. Set the Default commission. The default commission determines the referral amount based on the net sale made. Enable affiliate registrations by checking the Allow affiliate registration check-box.

Affiliates options - modify

Click Save when done.

3. Manage Affiliates : View / edit the affiliates registered on your site.
Go to E-Affiliates -> Manage Affiliates.

Manage Affiliates

4. Referrals : View / edit the referrals on your site.
Go to E-Affiliates -> Referrals.


You can add new referrals using the Add button. Click Save when done.

Referrals - Add new referral

5. Add / Edit Ads : View / edit the Ads on your site.
Go to E-Affiliates -> Add / Edit Ads.

Add-Edit Ads

Manage the existing ads on your site from E-Affiliates -> Manage Ads. Click the Edit / delete buttons to edit / delete the ad.

Referrals - Manage Ads

6. Manage Payouts : Manage payouts & generate reports for the payouts of your affiliates, referrals & ads.
Go to E-Affiliates -> Manage Payouts.

Referrals - Manage Payouts

There are four ways you can pay your affiliates:

  • Payout all the affiliates by their outstanding commission amount to date (Option A)
  • Payout all the outstanding affiliate commission upto a date (Option B)
  • Payout all the affiliate commissions by date range (Option C)
  • Payout an individual affiliate commission (Option D)

Note: You need to create two files – affiliate_payout_report.csv & paypal_mass_pay.txt with 666 permissions in /your_site_url/wp-content/plugins/ecommerce-affiliate/lib/core folder in order to generate the reports.

So that’s pretty much what you need to know in order to use E-Commerce Affiliate plugin effectively. If you know of any other tips that I may have missed, do let me know by leaving a comment here.

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