How to use the WP Announcements Ticker

How to use the WP Announcements Ticker

Flash striking news to the users of your WordPress site. Showcase updates & news about products, posts & pages. WP Announcements Ticker – WordPress Plugin for news ticker is a great option for e-commerce websites to keep your customers in the loop to boost product sales.

WP Announcements Ticker


1. Download the file & unzip to plugins folder located at
2. Go to WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Installed Plugins

Activate WP Announcements Ticker

3. Activate WP Announcements Ticker.
4. Go to WordPress Dashboard -> WP Announcements

WP Announcements Ticker Dashboard

Managing WP Announcements Ticker

1. WP Announcements Ticker : Create / Manage announcement tickers of your site.
WP Announcements -> Add New ( Title | Ticker Items | Ticker settings )

Announcements Tickers - Add New

Note : WP Announcements Ticker automatically generates a shortcode after creating an announcement ticker. You just need to paste the shortcode on any post / page you want the ticker to appear.

Title : Title of your announcement ticker.

Announcements Tickers - Title

Ticker Items : Contents of your announcement ticker.

Announcements Tickers - Ticker Items

  • Ticker Text : Text content to display in your announcement ticker.
  • Link : URL to redirect users on clicking the announcement ticker item.
  • Target : _self for opening the link in the existing tab & _blank for opening the link in a new tab.

Ticker settings : Settings for your announcement ticker.

Announcements Tickers - Ticker settings

  • Choose Theme : Choose 1 from an option of 15 themes for your announcement ticker.
  • Effects : Choose an effect for your announcement ticker.
    1. Scroll : Scroll effect from right to left for all ticker items.
    2. Fade : Fade effect for all ticker items.
    3. Type : Animated typing effect for the ticker item text.
    4. Slide : Slide effect from right to left for the ticker items.
  • Layout : Choose 1 from 4 available layouts for the announcement ticker.
  • Autoplay : Enable / disable the effect for the announcement tickers. If Yes then the effect starts automatically when page loads else the effect has to be started manually. (Note: Autoplay is applicable only for layout1 and layout3.)
  • Time Interval : Time in milliseconds for the animation effect of the tickers.

Click Publish when done. A meta box with the generated shortcode will be displayed on the same page.

Announcements Tickers - Generated Shortcode

Copy & paste this shortcode to insert WP Announcements Ticker to your post / page.

Announcements Ticker - Shortcode on page

The resulting announcement ticker would look as follows :

Announcements Tickers - Preview

Note : Only one announcement ticker is permitted on each page. Two or more WP Announcement Ticker shortcodes will not work on a single post / page.

2. All News Tickers : Manage existing announcement tickers on your site.
WP Announcements -> All News Tickers

Announcements Tickers - All News Tickers

Edit / View / Delete the announcement tickers on your site here.

So that’s pretty much what you need to know in order to use WP Announcements Ticker plugin effectively. If you know of any other tips that I may have missed, do let me know by leaving a comment here.

Keep your users updated about the changes on your WordPress site with WP Announcements Ticker.

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