Official WordPress Mobile Apps – Power in your pockets

Official WordPress Mobile Apps – Power in your pockets

Automattic released its official WordPress app for Android as well as iOS few years ago. Since then it has over 5 million downloads on Android Play Store (Apple doesn’t share these stats unless you are the developer. Automattic help me with the number please!).

In this post, I will explain what are the features and what functionalities does the Official WordPress mobile apps give to its users. Is it really “WordPress at your fingertips” as they claim? Let’s find out.

Official WordPress Mobile Apps Features


Please note that the below features apply to both Android and iOS Apps. These apps can be used for blogs or self hosted WordPress sites or a WordPress VIP site.

Posts on the move


The purpose of having mobile apps is to do anything from anywhere – WordPress Apps gives you this freedom. With the apps you can publish posts from anywhere in the world. You can edit posts while on the move and even save it as a draft for you to edit it later.



Check statistics of your blog articles. See how many visitors and views you have got while on the move. You can keep track of your popular stories and see where your readers are coming from.

Also read: How to reduce bounce rates and improve your stats



This feature is for the blog readers. You can connect with your favorite sites and participate in conversations anywhere, anytime. You can follow popular tags, browse new posts, leave likes or comments from the Reader section.

Push Notifications


The app allows you to receive push notifications so that you don’t miss any important site’s activity. You can activate push notifications to see new comments being posted and interact with readers instantly. This will help in engaging with the community at a much faster and effective way.

Must Read: How to increase blog comments on your WordPress blog

Jetpack Integration

Jetpack plays and important role if you want to operate your WordPress site using mobile app only. Jetpack gives you more functionalities like changing settings, commenting and day-to-day activities more like that of your desktop. If you have a self hosted WordPress site, then you need to install the Jetpack plugin to publish posts and connect with your readers from any mobile device.

So, these were features you get on the mobile version of WordPress. One thing that I like about these apps is that, you get completely distraction free writing. I know there is a distraction-free mode in the desktop version but you cannot close down the browser tabs, which are sometimes a distraction.

All-in-all, I loved these Official WordPress Apps and I hope you will too. I hope Automattic will add new features and functionalities to these apps to make them even more desktop like.

If you want to download the Official WordPress Mobile Apps, click on the link here.

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