10 Tutorial Resources for Mastering WordPress Development

Top 10 Tutorial Resources for Learning and Mastering WordPress Develpoment
WordPress is currently one of the world’s most popular publishing platforms. From blogging to website building, it’s rare you come across someone who doesn’t use WordPress somewhere in their life.
It’s estimated that WordPress currently powers over 18% of all websites; and when you consider the amount of websites there are on the Internet, over 18% is a lot.
WordPress is highly customizable and doesn’t require any advanced development or programming knowledge to use. They offer pre-made templates, plugins, and a whole list of other resources that can help you build a professional looking website without having to code or design.
Of course, despite it’s user-friendly interface, WordPress is still a vast tool with a lot available. This means that you’re going to have to learn what it has to offer and how to use it if you want to create really great websites and blogs.
Luckily, there are a vast amount of WordPress tutorials out there that can help you. Here are ten of the best tutorials to help you master WordPress development.
- WordPress-Getting Started: This video tutorial is perfect for beginners. Going over the basics of how to create a WordPress website and touching on the tools available to you.
- WordPress Cheat Sheet: When it comes to WordPress development, you don’t have to be a programmer, but you do need to understand the basic coding jargon. This tutorial will help you with that by giving you a cheat sheet to what certain terms and codes mean.
- Mastering the WordPress Visual Editor: This tutorial is centered on the WordPress editor and how to get the most out of it and all it has to offer.
- The Beginners Guide to WordPress SEO by Yoast: If you do any kind of Internet marketing, then you know how important SEO is. WordPress has a plethora of plugins to help you optimize your website, but Yoast’s is by far the best and most used. This tutorial will take you through this plugin and everything you need to know.
- WordPress for Designers: Centered on the design aspect of a WordPress website, this tutorial goes through the different ways a designer can use WordPress to make their website look great.
- 4 WordPress Techniques you need to Know: WordPress development has become increasingly advanced over the years, different and more amazing techniques are popping up on the platform constantly. This tutorial covers four of the best.
- How to Futureproof your Responsive WordPress Website: Responsive websites are one of the biggest trends happening in the web and tech world today, this tutorial will show you exactly how to make your responsive WordPress website a well-oiled machine.
- How to Code a WordPress Theme from Scratch: The holy grail of WordPress development is coding you own theme; creating a unique look that no one else will be using. This tutorial will teach you how to do that.
- Designing for WordPress; Complete Series: This tutorial series takes an in-depth look at designing on WordPress. Created by a master web designer, it covers everything you need to do in order to produce a great WordPress site.
- Integrate Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ in WordPress: Along with the importance of SEO is the importance of social media. This tutorial will teach you how to integrate your social media profiles into your WordPress website, giving you another key element in a successful site.
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