9 No-Nonsense AdSense Resources

For the ones that do it right, Google AdSense brings in a regular and steady income. If you are looking to optimize your AdSense efforts, here are the top go-to resources.
Some of these aren’t very recent, but they are still very popular with the AdSense community.
1. Blog Smarter: A Step-by-step Strategy to Boost Your AdSense Earnings:
Targeting long tail words can drive in big bursts of traffic. Find more insights like these in this write-up from Problogger.net.
2. 25 AdSense Tips to Maximize Revenue:
Did you realize that text ads tend to work best around text content while display ads work better around media-rich content? Read on for more such tips.
3. How to Setup AdSense A/B Experiments for Ad Units:
Discover the best ad configuration for your site with Google experiments.
4. The Boring Niche’s Secret Weapon (And How to Use it):
Coming up with content ideas that haven’t already been explored is a challenge for any niche site. Learn how to beat this block with this article on Copyblogger.
5. 13 Ethical Ways to Increase Your Site’s Search Traffic:
Traffic is the lifeblood for earning with AdSense. 13 Experts share their tips on Mashable.
6. 5 Steps to Getting More Targeted Website Traffic with SEO Copywriting:
Read Neil Patel’s take on driving targeted traffic to your site.
7. How I Built A Micro-Niche Site And Earning $174/Month From AdSense
Harsh Agarwal shares Cydiaguide.com’s blueprint. Find a detailed walkthrough of the exact method he used to setup this profitable micro-niche site.
8. AdSense Change log:
Learn about the latest updates in the AdSense program and the immediate reaction from the community.
9. Optimizing AdSense:
Get enrolled in Google’s own training program. You’ll be prompted for your publisher id and some details for joining.
If you only like to learn with a book, here’s the one that you’ll ever need.
Read New York’s best seller author Joel Comm crack the AdSense book. See for yourself why this book claims to be the best book on AdSense ever.
Some forums that you may want to join :
Truly amazing list of resources for improving organic traffic and in turn adsense income. Some of my favorites are problogger.net, seroundtable, sml and mashable.
These resources truly deserve to be called as no-nonsense resources.
Hi Disha,
Thanks for sharing such type of top resources for with us to optimize our AdSense.
@Disha Thanks for sharing your Adsense earning Maximization Tips.