10 Powerful Resources for Surveys That Convert

Whether you have a fun blog or an e-commerce site – if you have any type of website, chances are you want to know what your target audience is looking for. And you know you need a good survey for that. But what really constitutes a “good survey?” What is the secret recipe for it? A good tool, a good design, good text? A healthy dollop of everything is what the experts say.
Read through this list of resources that will tell you all that you need to know about surveys –
1. Survey Questions 101: Do You Make any of These 7 Question Writing Mistakes? :
A Good place to start – at the very beginning i.e. creating your survey. Helps you watch out for common mistakes like ambiguity, clubbing two independent questions or simply using weak words.
2. How to Improve Conversions through Surveying:
Puts the focus on conversion, which is the only thing that you should be focusing on. A Neat case study that shares Crazyegg’s pricing page experiments.
3. How To Use Surveys to Get a 64.8% Increase in Completed Purchases:
Learn who your true competitors are and which words exactly lead to conversions. Learn the effective use of tagging responses. Also, develop the art of writing winning sales messages.
4. Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rates Using Three Core Principles:
Revisits some very basic but critical ideas. Must-Read.
5. Best practices for e-commerce consumer surveys: part one:
Specifically for e-commerce sites – Get answers to all the what, when, how and which.
6. How to Use User Feedback and Research to Find Big Optimization Wins:
How to channel the feedback you gather and build a process for continuous optimization
7. Interpreting Survey Results:
Last but not the least, after you are done – what do you do with the results? Covers all the essentials – right from taking into account the number of responses to the inferences that can be drawn from the qualitative and quantitative data.
8. “Golden question” that reveals exactly why your visitors aren’t converting:
Tried all of this – but still fumbling? Find out why.
Learn from the best – Awe-inspiring Case Studies for Surveys
9.How we increased the conversion rate of Voices.com by over 400%: While a 400% increase is definitely an extreme case, you’ll still find these tips immensely helpful. The entire conversion cycle is taken into consideration while redesigning or revamping a site. Surveys play a major role in these.
10. KISSinsights & KISSmetrics – The 1-2 Punch for Increasing Conversion
Not a big fan of scrolling and browsing  – pick up a book. Online Surveys For Dummies Teaches you how to create and launch surveys that get results. Period.
Too lazy? Don’t want to read any of the above? No worries. Use this cheat sheet. Survey Hacks: A Cheat Sheet for Creating Online Surveys that Work
Don’t forget to share your experiences with surveys by leaving a comment 🙂
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